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Trigger point injections (TPI) can be very effective for back pain or other soft tissue pain involving muscles, tendons, or "knots." 

This service is completely free of charge as it is covered by MSP.


If you are not one of my patients, you are still welcome to book a "TPI appointment" (which includes the assessment to determine whether trigger point injections would be appropriate, and, if so, the extent of expected benefit). 

For more information, please speak with me directly or visit the following website:

"Trigger point injections have been shown to be one of the most effective and well-studied treatment modalities for the inactivation of myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) and rapid relief of associated symptoms."

-Carayannopoulos A.G., Han A. (2019) Myofascial Trigger Point Injection. In: Abd-Elsayed A. (eds) Pain. Springer, Cham


Other Studies:

-Lavelle ED, Lavelle W, Smith HS. Myofascial trigger points. Anesthesiol Clin. 2007;25:841–51, vii–iii.

-Alvarez DJ, Rockwell PG. Trigger points: diagnosis and management. Am Fam Physician. 2002;65:653–60.

-Wong CSM, Wong SHS. A new look at trigger point injections. Anesthesiol Res Pract. 2012;2012:492452–5.

-Shah JP, Thaker N, Heimur J, Aredo JV, Sikdar S, Gerber L. Myofascial trigger points then and now: a historical and scientific perspective. PM&R. 2015;7:746–61.

-Simons DG. New views of myofascial trigger points: etiology and diagnosis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2008;89:157–9.


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